This article explains how to uninstall Testlab 2406, including deleting the registry.
Step 1;
프로그램 제거에서 Simcenter Tecware for Test.Lab 2406, Simcenter Testlab 2406, Simcenter RLM license server, Simcenter Configuration and Unit System 제거
Step 2;
C:\Program Files\Simcenter\Testlab 2406 제거
Step 3;
C:\Simcenter\UserConfiguration\user_name\Testlab 2406 제거 또는 폴더명 변경 (예 : Testlab 2406_)
Step 4; 레지스트리 삭제
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LMS\LMS Test.Lab 24A와 Tecware for Test.Lab 2406 (64-Bit)
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\LMS\LMS Test.Lab 24A와 Simcenter Test.Lab 2406 (64-Bit)