NX ハードウェアおよびソフトウェア認定情報が更新されました(更新:2024-5/21)

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requirements_hardware_Ideas6.9-win.docx (33.3 KB)

製造オペレーション管理 (MOM) の互換表と製品ライフサイクル マトリックス

SIMATIC IT Batch Integration Layer compatibility matrix.xlsx (203 KB)

SIMATIC_IT_Options_Compatibility_1-10108686.xlsx (18.2 KB)

SIMATIC_IT_Libraries_Compatibility_1-499244352.xlsx (21.5 KB)

SIMATIC_IT_PS_Certifications.xlsx (18 KB)

SIMATICIT_PCS7_CompatibilityTable.xlsx (26.1 KB)

MOM Products Lifecycle Matrix


NX_OS_Certification-20-Jun-2022_tcm27-108619.xlsx (72.5 KB)

NX-Graphics-Certification-Table_20240314.xlsx (158 KB)

Solid Edgeの認定


* These certifications may be found under Downloads for Teamcenter under Support White Papers.

  * These certifications may be found under Downloads for Teamcenter under Support White Papers.

Teamcenter Community Softwareの認定

Teamcenter Enterprise Softwareの認定

9.0 MP08 Certifications

9.0 MP07 Certifications

9.0 MP03 Certifications

9.0 MP02 Certifications

9.0 MP01 Certifications

9.0 Certifications

8.1 MP06 Certification

8.1 MP05 Certification

8.1 MP04 Certifications

8.1 MP03 Certifications

8.1 MP02 Certifications

8.1 MP01 Certifications

8.1 Certifications

2007 MP08 Certifications

2007 MP07 Certifications

2007 MP06 Certifications

2007 MP05 Certifications

2007 MP04 Certifications

2007 MP03 Certifications

2007 MP02 Certifications

2007 Certifications

2005SR1 MP06B Certifications

2005SR1 MP06A Certifications

2005SR1 MP06 Certifications

2005SR1 MP05 Certifications

2005SR1 MP04 Certifications

2005SR1 Certifications

TC Enterprise 5.0 Certifications

Teamcenter Systems Engineering Softwareの認定

11.3 Certifications.xlsx (32.9 KB)

11.2.1_Certifications.xlsx (32 KB)

11.2_Certifications.xlsx (34.2 KB)

11.1_Certifications.xlsx (31 KB) (31.1 KB)

10.1_Certifications.xlsx (31.1 KB)

10.0.2_Certifications.xlsx (28.8 KB)

10.0.1_Certifications.xlsx (28.3 KB)

10.0_Certifications.xlsx (28.3 KB)

9.1.5_Certification.xlsx (63 KB)

9.1.4_Certification.xlsx (62.5 KB)

9.1.3_Certification.xlsx (62.5 KB)

9.1.2_Certification.xlsx (62.5 KB)

9.1.1_Certification.xlsx (62.5 KB)

9.1_Certification.xlsx (62.5 KB)

9.0_Certification.xlsx (38.5 KB)

8.2_Certification.xlsx (43.5 KB)

8.1.1_Certification.xlsx (37 KB)

8.1_Certification.xlsx (29 KB)

8.0.1_Certification.xlsx (29.5 KB)

8.0_Certification.xls (29.5 KB)

Teamcenter Visualization Softwareの認定

Tecnomatix Softwareの認定

PlantSimulation_OS_Certifications.xlsx (20.1 KB)

MachineConfigurator_OS_Certification.xlsx (32.5 KB)

PressLineSimulation_OS_Certification.xlsx (32 KB)

RealNC_OS_Certification.xlsx (32.5 KB)

ROBCAD_OS_Certification.xlsx (26 KB)

SIMULATION_OS_Certification.xlsx (39.5 KB)

TX_ProcessSimulate_GraphicsCertificationTable_202403.xlsx (44.5 KB)


Related English version of the article : PL8017193

この記事は、英語版(PL8017193 )の更新と同様に、継続的に最新の情報に更新されます。

KBアーティクルID# PL8662023




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