Road modeling How to model a realistic Road surface adding imperfections



This article describes how to create a realistic road with imperfections on the asphalt.


This article describes how to create a realistic road with imperfections on the asphalt.

Start with a new experiment, drag and drop a piece of road. Right click on the road and click on object configuration. Here go to the tab „line placements“. Here click on „Add Road imperfection“. In the same windows below the settings for that Road imperfection is added. When clicking again on „Add Road imperfection“ another one is created below. So you can directly create as many as needed and then set them up.

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In the same windows choose where the road imperfection should be placed. As reference for example along the Curb line. Then choose on which section it should be and the last is the offset, meaning the vertical placement of the Road imperfection line. Click on apply and ok.

Now build the experiment and open the 3D viewer. There will be a standard crack line along the asphalt. To change to different road imperfections go to the GUI and click on the road imperfection line on the asphalt to highlight it. Now the attributes on the right side of the GUI will be accessible.

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For trying different road imperfection click on imperfection type. Here are several different road imperfections. Secondly a different look will give the Render priority option. Other settings are like the opacity level, the width.

This is a set of lines of road imperfections applied:

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Another imperfection can be added via the library elements from the left side of the GUI. Click on Nature Elements and then on Road Imperfections. Now drag and drop it on the road. It is possible to drag and drop as many as needed.

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Now click on the Road imperfection to highlight it. On the right side of the GUI the attributes of the road imperfection will show up to configure. Here click on imperfection material and choose which imperfection is available. The same other setting are available as in the line placement road imperfection. Render priority, Size, opacity.

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This is a set of these types of Road imperfections:

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Additional modeling of the asphalt can be found by right clicking on the road segment and then on Object configuration. Click on the plus sign next to asphalt and it will open up some settings. Here it is possible to change the type and texture. For example wet asphalt. It is also possible to change into any color and grain size.

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A last visual realism can be added when using road markers and adding fade and holes on it. Add a marker from the library on the left of the GUI. Go to infrastructure and then on road markings. Drag and drop a marking and click on it to highlight it. Now on the left side of the GUI it is possible to change the fade and holes option. Values between zero and one are possible. This can be added also to all lines on the road.

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KB Article ID# KB000129675_EN_US



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