Rename Feature shortcut F2 not showing up for one user




Rename Feature shortcut F2 not working 


The F2 keyboard key is assigned to the Rename Feature command in the Ordered
Part environment. If that assignment was lost for some reason, it can be
established again using these steps:
- On the Quick Access toolbar (QAT), click the Customize command. It is
located to the right of the Redo command in the default User Interface
- Click the "Customize..." entry in the menu that appears
- On the Customize dialog box, select:
Environment to Customize: Part-Ordered
Choose commands from: All Commands 
- Select the Keyboard tab on the main area of the dialog 
- Scroll through the list of commands to find the Rename Feature command 
- Make sure that F2 is assigned to the Key column. If not, click the field 
under the Key column and select F2 from the pulldown list 
- Click Close and save the theme if asked to do so. F2 should now work to 
rename features again

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Application: APPLICATION
Version: V109MP9
Function: UI

Ref: 001-8978008

KB Article ID# PL8978008



Associated Components