Currently Solid Edge assembly BOM can summary the parts with part ID, customer want to know is it possible to summary the parts by other type/properties, for example, user defined properties, if yes, how to do?
You need to add custom property (user defined property) in File properties.
Once placed the parts list in the draft you can change add custom property column in the list.
1. Start new draft file
2. Place a drawing view of an assembly which parts has defined custom property in File properties.
3. Select drawing view and place parts list.
4. Select assembly Parts List > RMB (Right Mouse Bottom) Click > Select 'Properties'
5. Select [Columns] in Parts List Properties
6. Locate and Add Column for defined custom property > Apply > OK
A new column will get added to Parts list for Custom Property.
Hope this helps.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Application: DRAFT
Version: V109.0
Function: TABLES
Ref: 001-8971633