Renaming and reordering drafting sheets




How to rename and reorder drafting sheets in the Part Navigator.


Note: To provide an example, the following steps are renaming and reordering sheets 2 and 4.
To Rename a Sheet:
  1. In the Part Navigator, highlight 'Sheet 2', 'MouseButton3-->Rename'.
  2. Delete the space between the word, 'Sheet', and the number, '2' in "Sheet 2".
  3. In the Part Navigator, highlight 'Sheet 4', 'MouseButton3-->Rename'.
  4. Delete the space between the word, 'Sheet', and the number, '4' in "Sheet 4".
To Reorder a Sheet:
  1. In the Part Navigator, highlight 'Sheet2', MouseButton3-->Edit Sheet'.
  2. In the Sheet dialog, under 'Drawing Sheet Name', type in:  Sheet 4
  3. In the 'Sheet Number' field, type in:  4
  4. OK the Sheet dialog.
  5. In the Part Navigator, highlight 'Sheet4', MouseButton3-->Edit Sheet'.
  6. In the Sheet dialog, under 'Drawing Sheet Name', type in:  Sheet 2
  7. In the 'Sheet Number' field, type in:  2
  8. OK the Sheet dialog.
  9. Save and close the drawing; the sheets will be reordered once the part is reopened.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V10.0

Ref: 001-8969164

KB Article ID# PL8969164



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