error when opening a file referencing an interpart expression




This message was not received in NX9; however, starting in NX10, the following message is received when opening the file:  
     Cannot find expression because of missing part


In NX10, there was an improvement to interpart expressions and WAVE to preserve interpart expression references when the source part or source expression is missing.

Prior to NX10, if the source part was missing, no error was received. 
Prior to NX10, if the source expression was missing, the interpart expressions was turned into a constant value.

The missing source expression messages cannot be be disabled.
The missing source part message can be disabled using the following environment variable: 

In NX11.0, there is a customer default, 'Show Missing Interpart Expression Part Warnings', which can be enabled or disabled by following these steps:
1.  Select 'File-->Utilities-->Customer Defaults'.
2.  Expand 'Gateway' and highlight 'General'.
3.  Select the 'Expressions' tab.
4.  'Show Missing Interpart Expression Part Warnings' can be enabled or disabled.
5.  Re-start NX for any changes in Customer Defaults to take effect.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V10.0

Ref: 001-8967488

KB Article ID# PL8967488



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