When posting an NC file, Post Builder has the ability to report the programmer's identity by reading the logname variable. Some logname values may not clearly identify to the machine operator who the programmer is, though. What TCL code can be used to list the programmer's first and last name based on their logname ?
Create a Custom Command and add the TCL code found below. The logname and the first and last name for each programmer must be added after the foreach{i j k} { command. This code could be modified to be used in a Sourced TCL file. The \ character is used in this sample code after a line of data to show that the data is being continued on the next line. This character is added so that the data elements can be listed in a column type format.
### Finding the programmer's name from the logname
global mom_logname
global mom_sys_control_in
global mom_sys_control_out
set co $mom_sys_control_out
set ci $mom_sys_control_in
set localoutput "No programmer name match"
# logon first last
foreach {i j k} {
bill4 Bill Boyd\
fred2 Fred Wright\
julie3 Julie Brown\
charlie Charlie Waters\
julie4 Julie Johns\
jim3 Jim McCay
waser Randy Waser} {
if { $i == $mom_logname } {
set localoutput "$j $k"
MOM_output_literal "$co\Programmer: $localoutput$ci"
Please be aware that any code provided by NXCAM Support is intended to be used for sample purposes only. It is the user's responsibility to determine whether the code is suitable for the purpose.