Have defined a custom material, "Brass_std", in NX material library using "Directory of MatML Files" customer default definition, (as apposed to "Single MatML File").
Have a custom member stock definition (%UGII_BASE_DIR%\NXSTRUCTUREDESIGN\data\library\EN-DIN\Data\HexTube_mm.xlsx) where the custom material is used.
Doing Edit Member replacing the current Cross Section with the custom one, defining "Brass" as material, works fine. However, when reviewing the Part Attributes for the member component only the Structure Designer related attribute SD_Material have been changed, NOT the NX system material attribute "Material", it still have the value of previous member stock (steel).
- Why have not the member edit rendered in a full change of material attribute values?
To get the material definition to match between system material and Structure Designer material two things need to be corrected compared with what is described above
1. The data file for the custom Cross Section, (HexTube_mm.xlsx), need to contain a "Grade" definition (column), in addition to a "Material" definition.
2. There is a spreadsheet file, %UGII_BASE_DIR%\NXSTRUCTUREDESIGN\data\library\structure_materials.xlsx, that links NX materials together with Structure Manager materials that need to contain the custom material "Brass_std".
Having done those modifications all material attributes are now aligned.
When the Structure Designer material definition for a stock library part also the corresponding Ship Attributes SA_COMPONENT_MATERIAL and SAW_MATERIAL are populated. (This supports Structure Designer integration with Ship Structure Manufacturing).