Lines created with Extract Curve (legacy) have view-dependent information, but if running Project Curve command on them, the view-dependent information is lost if Preview is ON.
Reproduced Steps:
1. Prepare a model
2. Menu > Insert > Derived Curve > Extract Curve(Legacy)
If you don’t find the command, please search it in Search Window
3. Select the extracted curve > Ctrl+i > Please confirm that "View Dependent In" information is written in the Information window.
4. Menu > Insert > Derived Curve > Project
- Associative = OFF
- Input Curves = Keep, Hide or Delete
- Preview = ON
5. Select the projected curve > Ctrl + i > Please confirm the Information window to make sure there is no "View Dependent In".
This behavior is due to NX problem and will be fixed in NX 2412.
When performing Projection command, set "Preview" Off.
The problem occurs when all three conditions described in step 4 are met.
**Please refer to PL8807754 for Japanese article.