Hole table number not reset




When I delete the first hole table I created and try to create it again, the hole numbers are assigned from the number used in the last table I created. For example, after deleting a hole table that uses 1 and 2, is it possible to create the table with the same numbers?

Reproduced Steps:
1. Prepare a model which have some holes and a drawing
2. Menu > Insert > Table > Hole Table(Multiple table input)

3. Delete the first table created

4. Re-entering the hole table


This behavior is working as designed in NX, and tables cannot be created with the same number.
Workaround : There is no effective workaround, and if you want to use missing numbers, you will need to delete all currently created hole tables and re-enter them.


**Please refer to PL8807752 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2212
  • NX - DRAFTING V2212
  • Windows x64 10
  • Windows x64 11

KB Article ID# PL8807753



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