how to get a part attribute on a drafting note




how to get a part attribute on a drafting note


- in BMIDE create a property e.g. on Item, save and deploy

- map this attribute e.g. 

{ Dataset type="UGMASTER"
"DB_PART_NAME" : Item.object_name /write_once /description="Part Name"
"DB_PART_DESC" : Item.object_desc /write_once /description="Part Description"

{Item type="Item"
PROP : Item.ai4_PROP /allow_null_value /description="PROP Article Number"


- start TC and NX from TC

- open a drawing template file in NX

- create an attribute template for the just created property e.g. DB_DWG_TEMPLATE_PROP

- click on Note, click on Part Attribute, in the Attribute Dialog chose DB_DWG_TEMPLATE_PROP and click OK

may do an additional text input and place the Note on the drawing.

- save and exit the drawing template

Test the result with a Master Model part and drawing:

- create a new part, insert a value for the property PROP, save

- create a drawing using the just modified drawing template and see that the property value is on the drawing.

KB Article ID# PL8805176



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