After publishing Technical Data Package, when viewing it in Acrobat Reader, the component names listed in the BOM table are not sorted in numerical order.
Reproduced Steps:
1. Prepare a TDP template for 3D PDF(At that time, please set the "Scope" of Automatic Table to "Top Level Only" or "Components Only". )
2. Prepare an assembly data(please created over 10 components(Create at least 10 components and name them 001, 002, etc.)3. PMI tab > Technical Data Package group > Publish > select the created template > OK
4. Open the PDF in Acrobat Reader
This behavior is due to a bug in NX2306 and NX 2312, and has been fixed in NX 2406 and NX 2312.8700.
If you select "All Levels" as "Scope" in step 1, you can specify the "Maintain Assembly Hierarchy" option and output in numerical order, so no problems will occur.
Technical Data Package documentation:
**Please refer to PL8804659 for Japanese article.