After performing the Unite command on multiple solids with different colors, they are converted to the target color, but is it possible to keep the original colors of each?
Reproduced steps:
1. Create multiple solids
2. Assign a different color to each solids( Menu > Edit > Object Display > specify any color in the color palette)
3. Unite
In Modeling Preferences you can specify the inheritance source for faces modified by Boolean operation, so they will inherit their original color.
File > Preferences > Modeling > General > Display Properties > Face Modified by Boolean = Inherit from Tool Body( or Customer Defaults > Modeling > General > General > Display Properties > Face Modified by Boolean = Inherit from Tool Body)
Performing Step 2 above after setting:
This setting also applies to the various Boolean commands (Subtract, intersect), including Unite command.
**Please refer to PL8804408 for Japanese article.