After running Check Regions command and highlighting the faces detected as sharp corners, I exited the command, but the highlighting was not canceled.
Reproduced Steps:
1. Prepare model data
2. Menu > Analysis > Mold Part Validation > Check Regions > Calculate tab > select Product Body and specify Draw Direction > click Calculate button
3. Information tab > select Sharp Corners as Check Scope > select one detected as a sharp corner > Apply > Cancel
the highlighting is not canceled
This behavior is due to a bug that has existed since NX 2306 and has been corrected in NX 2406.
The problem occurs if pressing Cancel button to exit the dialog after pressing Apply button.
Workaround: Please don't close with Cancel button.
If you press Cancel button and exit the command, you can cancel the highlighting by updating the view (Graphics window > mouse right-click > Update View).
The problem occurs each functions in Area and Face tabs. (The problem does not occur each functions in Face tab.)
**Please refer to PL8804187 for Japanese article.