Import simple assembly and it's drawing into Teamcenter.




Need to import an assembly and it's drawing into Teamcenter.


- From NX go to File --> Import Assembly into Teamcenter

Set the Item Type;
- At the top of the dialog you can define your "Item Type" if you want to set an Item Type for the parts being imported. Expand the field to select your Item Type, for this example we're using "Item" as the Item Type.

Define your destination folder in Teamcenter;
- Expand the "Other Parameters" section of the dialog.

 * If you don't see the this option, select the Down arrow at the bottom of the dialog to see all of the dialog options.

- In the Default Parameters section, select the Browse button next to the "Default Destination Folder" field. 

- For this example were selecting a folder named "My Simple Assembly". You can browse to the folder location in Teamcenter and you *MUST" double click to select folder, then select OK.

- You will now see the destination folder is set to your folder. i.e. ":My Simple Assembly".

Define Naming Source;
- If you want the Part ID's to automatically be generate leave Numbering Source set to "Part ID Generator".

- For this example we are going to change the Number Source to "OS Filename" and leave the "Conversion Rule" as the default settings.

Add the assembly to the dialog;
- Select the button for "Select Assemblies or Parts".

- Browse to the folder in the O/S where your parts exist and select the Drawing part file. For this example we're selecting the "assembly-NX2_dwg1.prt" and select OK.

* At this point check the "Revision" column, the revision should be set to "A" for all of the parts, if any of the parts are not set with Revision A, this could be caused by the part file names containing Underscores. The text string after the Last underscore will be defined as the revision.

- To fix the revision field when the part files contain underscores, change the "Conversion Rule" setting from "As ID and Revision" to "With Replace String".

- Set both "String to Replace" and the "Replacement String" fields to an underscore "_".

- Select the parts that contain underscores and don't have the correct revision. Then select the "Reset Attributes" button" in the upper right corner of the dialog.

- Double-Click in the fields to set the attributes values.

* Now notice the Revisions are set to "A".

Making the Drawing dataset to reside under the Item Revision of the Master assembly;
- In the "Relation Type" column for the Drawing Part, change the setting from "Master" to "Specification".

- Double-click in the UGPART column to set the Dataset Name.

Complete the Import;
- Scroll through the dialog to check if the settings are set as needed. You can also do a Dry Run to test or select OK to import the assembly.

- The information window will open to show the results of the import.

- In Teamcenter you can open the folder to verify the parts have been imported. In this example we're selecting the "My Simple Assembly" folder.

- Select the Ugpart specification dataset and send to NX.

- Notice your assembly and drawing have been imported successfully.


Steps are also demonstrated in this Movie.

KB Article ID# PL8803066



Associated Components