When performing assembly constrains, the animation function works and an animation in which the component is constrained while moving slowly is reproduced, but is it possible to set it to be constrained immediately like before?
Reproduced Steps:
1. Create 2 components in an assembly
2. Assembly tab > Position group > (ex.,) Concentric
Assembly Constraints has been enhanced in NX 2306 and the new Ribbon bar constraint commands replace the Assembly Constraints dialog box. At that time, if you execute a constraint command such as Concentric, the behavior will be constrained while the animation is running in real time.
In NX 2306, it is not possible to set this to the behavior before NX 2212, but the functionality of NX 2312 has been expanded to allow the animation function to be controlled ON/OFF.
File > Preferences > Assemblies > Position > Component Positioning > Animate during Constraint Creation and Editing = OFF
**Please refer to PL8799497 for Japanese article.