In the Tc 2406 upgrade, the Teamcenter Unit of Measure system was upgraded to include out of the box (OOTB) units with an easy utility-driven, CSV-based capability to import new units as well as a corresponding uplift from string-based unit declarations to a quantity-based smart unit. This system is aligned with the NX core units, and the units are included in the OOTB unit source CSV file.
All of these features are installed automatically when deploying a "fresh install". However, the "upgrade install" requires manual steps to complete and MUST BE COMPLETED for NX users to be able to create a new part.
While this SFB is for all UPGRADE customers, there is an immediate major user impact for NX users integrated with Teamcenter. To ensure your "Create part" panel will populate the units properly, the "Unit of Measure-specific" post-processing steps to "Map the pre-upgrade units of measure to the upgrades units" must be completed. The link to the documentation for this step is here: Migrate legacy units of measure to the unified measurement system.
The detail of the problem is this: The new solution links the original Unit of Measure "unit objects" to the "smart units available in Classification". Specifically for NX, there is a new feature which provides a filtered list of the key 6 units for "NX part creation", thus preventing a very large list of 100-1000+ units to show in that units list. However, if the post process "Mapping steps" are not completed, the carry-over units are not properly connected to the smart unit system causing the filtering query to not find any results from that list of viable units. This is because the flag for the "short list" is stored in the Classification table. If the map/link from the Units of Measure is not yet created, the "short list for NX" flag is not found and no units are shown to the NX user.
If the post-processing step is completed "as expected", then the units will properly display.
While we are still evaluating a minor correction to minimize the risk of the "failure to operate" condition, all customers are required (not just recommended) to finish the mapping step(s) because the customer site will not be "completely upgraded" to Teamcenter's Unit of Measure system and your carry over units, being incompletely upgraded may therefore exhibit other "incomplete state" errors.