Solution for JT File Save Error in Solid Edge




Users are unable to save a part file as a JT document in Solid Edge. An error notification stating "<filename> cannot be saved" appears during the process.


The issue is caused by specific document properties within the Solid Edge file that are not correctly encoded, leading to translation errors during the JT file save process.

Steps to Resolve:

1. Open the Part File:

  • Open the problematic part file in Solid Edge.

    2. Access Save-As Translated Options:

    • Navigate to File > Save-As > Save as translated.

      3. Flavor the Translation Options:

      • In the translation settings, deselect the option "Translate Solid Edge document properties".

        • "Flavoring" involves adjusting various translation settings to identify which options impact the success or failure of the translation process.

          4. Save as JT File:

          • Proceed to save the file as a JT document. This should now work without errors.

            5. Identify and Edit Document Properties:

            • Review the document properties of the part file.
              • Locate any property values displaying as rectangular blocks (indicating incorrect character encoding).

                • Edit these properties to remove or replace the offending characters.

                  6. Save the Changes:

                  • Save the part file in Solid Edge to ensure the updated property values are written to the file.

                    7. Reattempt Saving as JT File:

                    • With the corrected document properties, attempt to save the file as a JT document again.
                      • Ensure the option "Translate Solid Edge document properties" is selected.

                        Additional Notes:

                        • The issue stems from character encoding problems in the document properties. The specific encoding causing the error could not be determined.
                          • Users should investigate their processes to prevent future occurrences of such encoding issues in document properties.
                            • "Flavoring" the translation options can help identify which settings might be causing issues and can assist in troubleshooting similar problems in the future.

                              Following these steps should resolve the JT file save error, allowing successful file translation and saving within Solid Edge.

                              KB Article ID# PL8797688



                              Associated Components