Notes and dimensions are created perpendicular to the drawing view




In Drafting sketch environment, when trying to insert notes or dimensions after Project Curve command, they are created perpendicular to Drawing instead of parallel to it.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Create a box solid

2. File > Drafting > Base View(Model View = Front)

3. Select the view boundary > Active Sketch View

4. Menu > Insert > Sketch Curve > Project Curve

5. Menu > Insert > Dimension > Rapid


This behavior is due to NX problem in NX 2306 - NX 2312 that occurs when entering to Sketch environment and first perform Project Curve command, and will be fixed in NX 2406.


Create a sketch curve before creating Project Curve. (If the sketch curve is not required, delete it after creating the project curve.)

If you work it around after the problem occurs, perform Crosshatch, Area Fill, or Automatic Centerline. (If unnecessary, delete the crosshatch, etc.)

After above Workaround operation > Rapid Dimension


The problem occurs with almost all commands in the Dimension and Annotation group, such as each dimension, notes, etc. (except for Crosshatch, Area Fill, and Automatic Centerline).

The problem occurs in all views except Top and Bottom.

**Please refer to PL8795044 for Japanese article.

KB Article ID# PL8795045



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