Reducing Draft File Size When Inserting Images in Solid Edge




When users insert images into a draft using the function Sketch -> Insert -> Picture in Solid Edge ST7 MP6, the saved draft file size increases significantly. This issue occurs because the software embeds the image twice: once for the draft and once for the viewer data. Additionally, Solid Edge does not compress images when embedding, further increasing the file size


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open an empty draft template in Solid Edge and save it to disk. Check the file size.
    1. Insert an image using the function (Sketch -> Insert -> Picture) and save the file. Check the file size after saving.

      Example Case:

      • An empty draft file is 191 KB.
        • Inserting a 28.7 KB image results in a 278 KB draft file.
          • Inserting a 121 KB photo results in a 1.67 MB draft file.


            To reduce the overall file size when inserting images in Solid Edge drafts, use one or both of the following methods:

            1. Link the Image Instead of Embedding:Use the "Link to file" option in Sketch -> Insert -> Picture.This method links the image file instead of embedding it, reducing the file size.
              1. Disable Draft Viewer Data:Go to Solid Edge Options -> General.Uncheck "Include Draft Viewer data in file".This prevents the image from being embedded twice.


                • Provided draft with no images embedded: 195,584 bytes
                  • Provided draft with one image embedded: 608,256 bytes
                    • Provided draft with the same image linked and viewer data disabled: 190,976 bytes


                      When Draft Viewer data is enabled, the image is embedded twice, increasing the file size. Also, uncompressed images are embedded into the draft, which further increases the file size. By linking images and disabling viewer data, users can significantly reduce the file size of drafts containing images.

                      An existing enhancement request is in place to improve the management of embedded images in Solid Edge, aiming to reduce the overall file size.

                      KB Article ID# PL8794364



                      Associated Components