Displaying Dimensions as Numbers in Solid Edge




Dimensions are shown as text labels (e.g., "DimA, DimB") instead of numerical values (e.g., "600mm, 20mm") in Solid Edge models.


This issue occurs when the "Show All Names" command is enabled. To display dimensions as numerical values, follow these steps:

  1. Open the model in Solid Edge.
    1. Expand the Pathfinder pane.
      1. Navigate to PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) -> Dimension tree.
        1. Right-click on any PMI dimension.
          1. Select "Show All Values" from the context menu.

            This action will change the display from text labels to numerical values. For more information on related commands, refer to the following Solid Edge help topics:

            "Show All Formulas Command" - https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/doc/246738425/PL20220830878154140.design/shwformulas1c

            "Show All Names Command" - https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/doc/246738425/PL20220830878154140.design/shwnames1c

            "Show All Values Command" - https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/doc/246738425/PL20220830878154140.design/shwvalues1c

            KB Article ID# PL8794353



            Associated Components