NX want to measure the diameter dimension as the initial value in Measure command.

NX for Design



When running Measure command on an edge or a face, the radius dimension is displayed as the initial value, but is it possible to change this to the diameter dimension?

Reproduced Steps:

1. Analysis tab > Measure > select an edge or a face


Edge : File > Preferences > Measurement > Measurements > Curve/Edge tab > Options > Radius = OFF

Face : File > Preferences > Measurement > Measurements > Face tab > Options > Radius = OFF

Behavior after changing settings : 

*** can also set it from the pull-down list in the bottom right of the scene dialog that pops up during measure.(Set a toggle of Radius to "OFF")


There is the same setting in Customer Defaults:

File > Utilities > Customer Defaults > Analysis > Measurement > Measurements > Curve/Edge, Face > Radius = OFF

In addition, NX 2206 and higher have been enhanced to display both measurement results and allow selection during input.

File > Preferences > Measurement > Scene Dialogs > Alternative Measurements > Layout = Show All

**Please refer to PL8794228 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2212
  • Windows x64 11
  • Windows x64 10

KB Article ID# PL8794229



Associated Components
