What's New in NX 2312: Locked Rotation




What’s New in NX 2312: Locked Rotation


Locking Rotations

1.       Open a part file in NX.

2.       In the background of the display, right click and select Lock Rotations.

-          Note: If the ‘Show Model View Names’ setting is turned on, the view will have the additional text, ‘Lock Rotations’. Additionally, using the Home key will bring up a window asking if ‘Locked Rotations’ should be turned off.

3.       To turn off Lock Rotations, in the background of the display, right click and select Lock Rotations once again.

Assigning Locked Rotations to Model Views

1.       In the Part Navigator, make the desired model view the work view, or create a new view by right clicking Model Views and selecting Add View.

2.       In the background of the display, right click and select Lock Rotations.

3.       In the Part Navigator, right click the desired model view and select Save.

4.       The saved model view will now maintain the Lock Rotations setting.

-          Note: Changing views before saving will remove the Lock Rotations setting from that view when returning to it.

KB Article ID# PL8793804



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