How to Calculate Projected Surface Area




How to Calculate Projected Surface Area


Please also see the above video for steps and details.
This can be accomplished in 2 steps:

Step #1 - Project face edges to the plane.

1. In the Menu, select, 'Insert-->Derived Curve-->Project'.

2. In the Selection Group, set the selection to 'Face Edges'.

3. Select the face.

4. In the dialog, highlight the prompt: Objects to Project To

5. Select the Datum Plane to project to.

NOTE: This plane can also be created on-the-fly by highlighting the prompt, 'Specify Plane' and using the Plane Dialog options.

6. In the dialog, set 'Direction = Along Vector'.

7. Under the Project Direction grouping, highlight: Specify Vector

8. Specify Vector = Face/Plane Normal

9. Select the Datum Plane used for projection.

NOTE: Ensure the Vector direction is pointing in the correct direction to create the projected face outline

10. OK the dialog.

Step #2 - Calculate the area of the projected surface

1. In the Menu, select 'Analysis-->Section Inertia'.

2. Set the Section to 'Existing Section'.

3. In the Selection Group, set the selection to 'Connected Curves'.

4. Selected the projected section created from the above steps.

5. [Important] In the dialog, in the Settings grouping, set 'Section Type = Solid'.

6. In the dialog, select the 'Show Information Window' icon.

7. In the Information Window, the Section Area will be the the 'SA' column.

NOTE: The Information Window will specify the columns and the units.


KB Article ID# PL8792726



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