How to position model to Absolut Coordinate System?
SolutionMenu->Edit->Move Object
Or execute this VB Script:
' NX 2306.3001
' Journal created by silva on Fri Apr 5 10:49:44 2024 Hora oficial do Brasil
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.UI
Imports NXOpen.Features
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Imports NXOpen.Selection
Module NXJournal
Dim theSession As NXOpen.Session = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI()
Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim displayPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow()
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim measurePrefsBuilder1 As NXOpen.MeasurePrefsBuilder = Nothing
Dim scCollector1 As NXOpen.ScCollector = Nothing
Dim selectionIntentRuleOptions1 As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRuleOptions = Nothing
workPart.WCS.Visibility = True
measurePrefsBuilder1 = theSession.Preferences.CreateMeasurePrefsBuilder()
measurePrefsBuilder1.InfoUnits = NXOpen.MeasurePrefsBuilder.JaMeasurePrefsInfoUnit.CustomUnit
measurePrefsBuilder1.ConsoleOutput = False
measurePrefsBuilder1.ShowValueOnlyToggle = False
measurePrefsBuilder1.ConsoleOutput = False
scCollector1 = workPart.ScCollectors.CreateCollector()
selectionIntentRuleOptions1 = workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleOptions()
'Ask user to select object
Dim body1 As Body = SelectBody()
Dim sellist1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
If body1 IsNot Nothing Then
sellist1(0) = body1
End If
Dim bodyDumbRule1 As NXOpen.BodyDumbRule = Nothing
Dim rules1(0) As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRule
rules1(0) = bodyDumbRule1
scCollector1.ReplaceRules(rules1, False)
Dim ptanchor1 As NXOpen.Point3d = New NXOpen.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Dim boxpoints1() As NXOpen.Point3d
Dim dir1() As NXOpen.Point3d
Dim edgelength1() As Double
Dim ptorigin1 As NXOpen.Point3d = Nothing
Dim ptextreme1 As NXOpen.Point3d = Nothing
Dim pdvolume1 As Double = Nothing
theSession.Measurement.GetBoundingBoxProperties(sellist1, 1, ptanchor1, False, boxpoints1, dir1, edgelength1, ptorigin1, ptextreme1, pdvolume1)
measurePrefsBuilder1.ConsoleOutput = False
Dim xvec As Vector3d = New Vector3d(dir1(0).X, dir1(0).Y, dir1(0).Z)
Dim yvec As Vector3d = New Vector3d(dir1(1).X, dir1(1).Y, dir1(1).Z)
Dim zvec As Vector3d = New Vector3d(dir1(2).X, dir1(2).Y, dir1(2).Z)
Dim cornerCsys As CartesianCoordinateSystem
Dim fromCsys As CartesianCoordinateSystem
cornerCsys = workPart.CoordinateSystems.CreateCoordinateSystem(ptorigin1, xvec, yvec)
Dim fromdapnt() As Double = ConvertPoint3dToDoubleArray(ptorigin1)
Dim fromwcspnt As NXOpen.Point3d = New NXOpen.Point3d(edgelength1(0) / 2, edgelength1(1) / 2, edgelength1(2))
Dim fromabspnt As NXOpen.Point3d = WCS2Abs(fromwcspnt)
fromCsys = workPart.CoordinateSystems.CreateCoordinateSystem(fromabspnt, xvec, yvec)
Dim nullNXOpen_Features_Feature As NXOpen.Features.Feature = Nothing
Dim nullNXOpen_Body As NXOpen.Body = Nothing
Dim blockFeatureBuilder1 As NXOpen.Features.BlockFeatureBuilder = Nothing
Dim feature1 As NXOpen.Features.Feature = Nothing
blockFeatureBuilder1 = workPart.Features.CreateBlockFeatureBuilder(nullNXOpen_Features_Feature)
blockFeatureBuilder1.BooleanOption.Type = NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.BooleanOperation.BooleanType.Create
blockFeatureBuilder1.Type = NXOpen.Features.BlockFeatureBuilder.Types.DiagonalPoints
blockFeatureBuilder1.SetTwoDiagonalPoints(ptorigin1, ptextreme1)
blockFeatureBuilder1.SetBooleanOperationAndTarget(NXOpen.Features.Feature.BooleanType.Create, nullNXOpen_Body)
feature1 = blockFeatureBuilder1.CommitFeature()
Dim FrmCsys = workPart.WCS.Save()
FrmCsys.Layer = 2
Dim wcsOrigin As Point3d = FrmCsys.Origin
Dim absOrigin As Point3d = New Point3d(0, 0, 0)
Dim absMtx As Matrix3x3 = New Matrix3x3 With {
.Xx = 1,
.Xy = 0,
.Xz = 0,
.Yx = 0,
.Yy = 1,
.Yz = 0,
.Zx = 0,
.Zy = 0,
.Zz = 1
Dim absCsys As CartesianCoordinateSystem
absCsys = workPart.CoordinateSystems.CreateCoordinateSystem(absOrigin, absMtx, False)
absCsys.Layer = 2
Dim bodies As BodyCollection = workPart.Bodies
Dim k As Integer = 0
Dim movObjs(-1) As NXObject
For Each oneBody As Body In bodies
ReDim Preserve movObjs(k)
Dim movBodylst As NXObject = CType(oneBody, NXObject)
movObjs(k) = NXOpen.Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(movBodylst.Tag)
k += 1
If Not Point3dAreEqual(absOrigin, wcsOrigin) Then
MoveObjectByCsysToCsys(movObjs, FrmCsys, absCsys)
End If
workPart.WCS.SetOriginAndMatrix(absOrigin, absMtx)
workPart.ModelingViews.WorkView.Orient(NXOpen.View.Canned.Isometric, NXOpen.View.ScaleAdjustment.Fit)
End Sub
Function SelectBody() As Body
Dim body1 As Body = Nothing ' Get UI object Dim theUI As NXOpen.UI = NXOpen.UI.GetUI()
Dim sel As NXOpen.Selection = theUI.SelectionManager
Dim objects1(0) As NXOpen.DisplayableObject
Dim selObj As TaggedObject = Nothing
Dim cursor As Point3d
Dim message As String = "Select Body"
Dim title As String = "Selection"
Dim resp As Response = sel.SelectTaggedObject(message, title, SelectionScope.UseDefault, False, False, selObj, cursor)
If resp <> Response.Back And resp <> Response.Cancel Then
If TypeOf selObj Is Body Then
body1 = CType(selObj, Body)
End If
End If
Return body1
End Function
Function ConvertPoint3dToDoubleArray(ByVal pt As Point3d) As Double()
Dim pt3d2da As Double() = {pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z}
Return pt3d2da
End Function
Function WCS2Abs(ByVal inPt As Point3d) As Point3d
Dim pt1(2), pt2(2) As Double
pt1(0) = inPt.X
pt1(1) = inPt.Y
pt1(2) = inPt.Z
ufs.Csys.MapPoint(UFConstants.UF_CSYS_ROOT_WCS_COORDS, pt1, UFConstants.UF_CSYS_ROOT_COORDS, pt2)
WCS2Abs.X = pt2(0)
WCS2Abs.Y = pt2(1)
WCS2Abs.Z = pt2(2)
End Function
Function SelectAllObjectsLayer(lyrnum As Integer)
Dim objects() As NXObject = workPart.Layers.GetAllObjectsOnLayer(lyrnum)
Dim objList As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
For Each oneObject As DisplayableObject In objects
Return objList.ToArray(GetType(NXObject))
End Function
Sub MoveObjectByCsysToCsys(ByRef nXObject() As NXObject, ByVal nXObjectCsysFrom As CartesianCoordinateSystem, ByVal nXObjectCsysTo As CartesianCoordinateSystem)
Dim nullNXOpen_Features_MoveObject As NXOpen.Features.MoveObject = Nothing
Dim moveObjectBuilder As NXOpen.Features.MoveObjectBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.BaseFeatures.CreateMoveObjectBuilder(nullNXOpen_Features_MoveObject)
moveObjectBuilder.TransformMotion.Option = NXOpen.GeometricUtilities.ModlMotion.Options.CsysToCsys
moveObjectBuilder.MoveParents = True
moveObjectBuilder.TransformMotion.Option = GeometricUtilities.ModlMotion.Options.CsysToCsys
moveObjectBuilder.TransformMotion.FromCsys = nXObjectCsysFrom
moveObjectBuilder.TransformMotion.ToCsys = nXObjectCsysTo
Dim objects() As NXObject = moveObjectBuilder.GetCommittedObjects()
Catch nXException As NXException
UI.GetUI().NXMessageBox.Show("Move Object", NXOpen.NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, "Unable to Move object. Error : " + nXException.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Sub
Function Point3dAreEqual(oneP As Point3d, twoP As Point3d) As Boolean
Dim oneLoc() As Double = {oneP.X, oneP.Y, oneP.Z}
Dim twoLoc() As Double = {twoP.X, twoP.Y, twoP.Z}
Dim tol As Double
Dim match As Integer
ufs.Vec3.IsEqual(oneLoc, twoLoc, tol, match)
If (match = 0) Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
End Module