Solid Edge Unable to Open Large Assembly File in Solid Edge




Customers may encounter a "Cannot open file.  Make sure the file is the correct type and version for the application and that you have read access." where they are unable to open a large assembly file in Solid Edge. This can be frustrating as it prevents users from accessing and working with their designs.


The most common cause of this problem is exceeding the maximum file size limit of 2 GB in Solid Edge. To resolve this, the customer needs to reevaluate their approach to creating and using assembly files and implement a different strategy to reduce the overall file size. Here are the recommended steps:

1. Review the file size: In the incident report, it was mentioned that the assembly file size exceeded the 2 GB limit. Check the file size of your assembly file to ensure it is within the supported limit.

2. Evaluate file creation method: If you have imported third-party files or used internal components within the assembly, consider creating individual part files instead. This will help reduce the overall file size and prevent corruption.

3. Implement file size reduction strategies: If your assembly file is still too large, consider implementing the following strategies to reduce the file size:

- Simplify the assembly: Remove unnecessary components or features that are not essential to the design.

- Use simplified representations: Utilize simplified representations of parts and sub-assemblies where possible.

- Optimize part files: Review and optimize part files to minimize their size without compromising the design integrity.

- Utilize lightweight components: Replace heavy components with lightweight components where appropriate.

- Utilize simplified configurations: Use simplified configurations to reduce the complexity of the assembly.

By following these steps, you should be able to create and work with assembly files within the supported file size limit in Solid Edge. If the issue persists or any further assistance is required, please reach out to our Support team.


The Solid Edge file format is based upon the Microsoft COM structured storage format -

This Microsoft structured storage format has a maximum file size of 2 GB -

KB Article ID# PL8792052



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