Currently, when performing copy and paste of a large number of rows of Part Family members, the number of instances that can be pasted into the Part Family table is limited to 30 rows. Any additional rows of information are lost.
Steps to duplicate:
(1) Copy data from another source, such as a spreadsheet (MSExcel) or a different Part Family table. Copy more than 30 rows.
(2) Attempt to paste all of the copied data to the destination Part Family table.
Notice it will only allow 30 rows of information to be pasted.
SolutionThe following workaround is available:
1. Enter some data in the last row (row 31). The system will add another additional 30 rows. (Leave the entry in the cell and do not delete it.)
2. Repeat above step to produce enough rows.
3. Now it is ready to copy data from Excel and paste into the Part Family table.