In PS standalone, when using the "Create New Study" option on the welcome splash screen, the Default values for the New Study "Template" and "Study Type" do not auto populate. These are the expected and missing values:
Template: "C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix_2301.0\eMPower\Templates\DefaultStudy.pszt"
Study: "RobcadStudy".Without them, a study cannot be created.
Add or modify the registry ahead to get the value populated (sample install path shown as value).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tecnomatix\TUNE\NewAssembler\Commands Info\EngineeringDataOperations\Dialogs\CUiEDONewStudyForm \Template File Path
C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix_2301.0\eMPower\Templates\DefaultStudy.pszt