PMI Section view can't be deleted that is in layout




A checkmate test checking the master model fails reporting there was a layout even though none had been created.

Going through the views, the view "PMI Section 1" would not delete raising a message that it is being used in a layout. Going to the layout page there are no user defined layouts.

How to delete the layout so that the part passes the master model check and be able to delete the PMI view?


Attempting to delete the PMI Section view raises message "A view currently in a layout may not be deleted". There appears to be some sort of Layout/View corruption in the part.

Going to "Menu --> View --> Layout --> Delete" the Delete Layouts dialog appears to have layouts that can be deleted. If you pick on the TOP line you will notice that it highlights as if it selected a layout and the "OK" is available.

Once all of the User Defined layouts are deleted, Going to the same option will raise a message that Only user-defined layouts can be deleted.

To delete the PMI Section view use the following steps:

1. Menu --> View --> Layout --> Delete

2. Select the top line --> OK

3. Menu --> View --> Layout --> Open

4. Select layout "L6" --> OK

5. Menu --> View --> Layout --> Delete

6. Select the top line --> OK

7. Menu --> View --> Layout --> Open

8. Select layout "L1" --> OK

9. From the Part Navigator --> expand Model Views --> select view "PMI_SECTION 1" --> MB3 --> select the "X" to delete the view.

KB Article ID# PL8789613



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