Failed to initialize multi-user notification service (.NET web tier)




During the configuration of multi-user notification, it is needed to populate the eventing service with the data that is required to support multi-user notifications. This can be done using the following command line application:

%UGII_BASE_DIR%\nxbin\InitializeMultiUserNotificationService.exe -u=<admin user> -p=<admin password>

When everything goes well, the message "Successfully initialized multi-user notification service" will be displayed:

In case of an error, the message "+++ERROR : Failed to initialize multi-user notification service" will be shown and the applicable NX log file will be listed:

This NX log file will show more information about the error, e.g.
CommunicationManagerENS: FetchTopicIdForTopicName for topic name NXMultiUserCollaboration returned http error code: 401[[2076*]] CommunicationManagerENS: CreateTopic failed with http error code: 401
[[2076*]] CommunicationManagerENS: CreateTopic failed with http error code: 401

Release Versions
  • NX V2212
  • NX V2306
  • NX V2312

If the error "CreateTopic failed with http error code: 401" is shown in the NX syslog file and your environment uses the .NET architecture, the following suggestion could solve this error.

Update eventing service

1) On the server where the microservices are running, open the file eventingservice.json (%TC_ROOT%\microservices\services_config\eventingservice.json) and append \\validator_keystore.pem to the SECRETS_FILE_PATH setting:

2) Restart the "Teamcenter Process Manager" service

3) Try again to initialize the multi-user notification service and if the initialization goes well, the message "Successfully initialized multi-user notification service" will be displayed.


KB Article ID# PL8786390



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