How to include customer defined text in Hole Callout dimensions




Our requirement is to include additional information in the Hole Callout dimension, for a particular Threaded Hole type.

(We are unable to achieve the required result since the changes to the 'Threaded Hole' functionality introduced in the NX 1926 release.)


Enhancements to the Hole & Thread Callout functionality in NX 2312 have now made it possible to meet this requirement.

In the following example, the aim is to create PMI / Drafting Callout dimensions that contain customer defined annotation to supplement or replace the various hole parameter values defined in the Threaded Hole data table. 

To create thread definitions for ‘Flow Drilled Threaded Holes’, edit the ‘NX_Thread_Standard.xml’ data table. 

(The default location of the Threaded Hole data table is:

C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX####\UGII\modeling_standards

The environment variable 'UGII_THREADED_HOLE_STANDARD_DIR ' may be used to specify a different location.)

The first step to create a new threaded hole entry in the data table is to copy an existing (similar) line  and modify it to define the new Threaded Hole type.

(Note that it is important to maintain the format and syntax of the entries being modified.)

Below is an example of an edited threaded hole entry. The ‘Size' and ‘Callout’ values have been modified to include customer defined annotation:

Thread Size & Callout Values

Note that the Thread ‘Size’ value is displayed in the ‘Hole’ command dialog and the PMI Callout dimension. Whereas, the ‘Callout’ value is displayed in the Threaded Hole feature name in the Part Navigator.

In addition to the data table modifications outlined above, it is also necessary to make changes to the PMI / Drafting Preferences, in order to obtain the required result.

To create a PMI ‘Hole and Thread Callout’ that displays only the value of the ‘Size’ parameter from the Threaded Hole data table, the PMI Preference ‘Dimension – Hole and Thread Callout – Lettering – Callout Display’ should be set to ‘Callout’ and all the other Threaded Hole Parameters should be toggled off, except for ‘Thread Size’:

PMI Preferences Dialog

Similarly, to create a Drafting ‘Hole and Thread Callout’ that displays only the Thread ‘Size’ from the Hole Feature in the model, the Drafting Preference ‘Callout Display’ should also be set to ‘Callout’ and all but the 'Thread Size' Parameter deselected:

Drafting Preferences Dialog

Creating a PMI or Drafting Hole Callout dimension will now display only the 'Thread Size' value.

Use the dimension 'Settings - Hole and Thread Callout - Parameters' to include any of the other hole/thread parameters in the dimension

(Optional Step) To configure the Hole Callout dimension to only display the Thread Size parameter, as the default behavior in both Modeling and Drafting, the following changes can be made to the Customer Defaults: 

  • Set ‘Callout Display’ to ‘Callout’ (via ‘File – Utilities – Customer Defaults – Drafting – General/Setup – Standard – Customize Standard – Dimension – Hole and Threaded Callout – Lettering – Callout Display') and ‘Save’ the change to the Drafting Standard:
    Callout Display Setting

    • Deselect all Threaded Hole Parameters, except for ‘Thread Size’ (via ‘File – Utilities – Customer Defaults – Drafting – General/Setup – Standard – Customize Standard – Dimension – Hole and Threaded Callout – Parameters') and ‘Save’ the change to the Drafting Standard:
      Thread Parameter Display Options

      • Set ‘Settings Origination’ to ‘Drawing Standard’ (via ‘File – Utilities – Customer Defaults – Drafting – General/Setup – Workflow – Drawing - Settings Origination') and ‘Save’ the change to the Drafting Standard:
        Drafting Standard Settings Origination Setting


        For further information, please refer to the following sections of the NX documentation:

        Standard data tables for thread and threaded hole features

        'Thread Callout Enhancements’ in 'What’s New in NX 2312':

        KB Article ID# PL8783356



        Associated Components