NX Custom attribute value gets copied to new revision during save as operation in NX.

NX for Design



Custom attribute value gets copied to new revision during save as operation in NX.

If revise operation is performed in Teamcenter, custom attribute value is not getting copied.

Steps to Duplicate

1.      In BMIDE, create custom attribute under Item Revision

2.      Select the custom attribute under properties and set "CopyFromOriginal" to "False" in Property Constants

3.      Save and Deploy BMIDE template.

4.      Start TC and NX

5.      Perform Save as operation in NX.

Custom attribute values get copied.


To reset the attribute value in the Save As operation in NX, you need to define it in BMIDE Operation Descriptor for Save As operation. In BMIDE, in "Operation Descriptor", For "SaveAsInput", add your custom attribute to the list. Then select this attribute and then disable "CopyFromOriginal" as false for this attribute.

Save and deploy your changes.

Restart TC and NX

Now perform the Save As operation in NX. the custom attribute value will be reset.

Perform same steps for Revise as well.

KB Article ID# PL8782867



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX