Error while adding parts 'ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available connection. The connections's current state is closed'
SolutionThis may happen when there are corrupted LocalDB instances. The corrupt one must be stopped, deleted and recreated.
The recommended workflow is this:
1) Open the Command Prompt window (cmd.exe)
2) Type in “SqlLocalDB i” to get a list of currently existing instances on your machine:
As you can see, here result is:
Note: LocalDB instances created for Standard Parts are only the ones starting with “ST..”
3) Delete all the ST.. instances (ST, ST14, ST15 here in this case) by these steps:
a) Stop the instance ST15 by “SqlLocalDB stop st15” and press Enter
b) Then delete the instance ST15 by “SqlLocalDB delete st15” and press Enter:
4) When all ST instances are stopped and deleted, try the Add from Libraries command again.