"Part Painter" will not start, if "Style Palette" used to assign Colors




A user has upgraded to Solid Edge 2024.  They need to color a part (or faces) and are selecting "Part Painter".  However, the command will not appear, and they have to use "Style Palette" instead.


On the very first use - after installation of Solid Edge - the user is asked whether they want to keep using "Part Painter", or use "Style Palette" instead.  If they answer to use "Style Palette" they subsequently find they cannot start "Part Painter" any longer.

To get this selection back, the user has to "reset" a Registry Setting:

Change "\HKEY_CURRENT_User\Software\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 224\Messages\40,314" to "0".

This will show the dialog again, and user has the possibility to chose "Part Painter".

KB Article ID# PL8777247



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