Solid Edge Electrical project becomes read only, cannot open diagram for edit. Shows an error as,
"Cannot Open diagram for edit, open-read-only?
User 'System' has been editing the diagram since 'MMM DD, YYYY, HH:MM AM'
Either open in read-only or select cancel and wait until other user has finished editing this design"
SolutionSolid Edge Electrical has an option that apply a lock to user account to avoid data corruption in case or random termination/ closure of Solid Edge Electrical application.
Check the option "Enable clear locks on user account" is checked/ unchecked?
If this option is selected, it allow the current user to release locks on their own user account.
Locks should only be removed from user's accounts and projects when the user is effectively not working on the data, for example, following an unexpected client close down. Removing a lock in other circumstances will cause database corruption and render projects and designs unusable and unrecoverable.
You can find this option under Solid Edge Wiring Design application > Solid Edge > System > System Preferences