Configuring Floating licensing for Solid Edge from 2020 version




Here's a quick overview of the procedure for installing a floating license server for Solid Edge, starting from 2020 version.


Here's a quick overview of the procedure for installing a floating license server for Solid Edge, starting from 2020 version.


From this new version, the daemon (licensing control program) called SELMD is replaced by UGSLMD and SALT daemons.

The installation package has more and better functionalities, including a simpler and more automated installation.

This change allows the Solid Edge licensing system to be unified with most Siemens products, while increasing security.


To install licensing software for Solid Edge 2020 and later, you’ll require:

1- New license with UGSLMD or SALTD daemons. This must be requested by opening a case on our Support Center support site.

2- Installer of new SIEMENS LICENSE SERVER (SLS), available for download on our support site.

3- Administrative privileges to install or update licensing software.

Please remember that, in order to access our Support site, you will need to have a Webkey access account and an active maintenance contract.


Open the downloaded installer package with administrative privileges.

Allow install

Unpacking starts

Select your install language

Indicate the license file location

Accept the port number by default. If it is not possible, check the Advanced Settings box and type in the port numbers required. Those numbers (license server port y vendor daemon port) must be different.

Indicate the install folder or accept the folder by default.

If required, type in an email to grant permissions to somebody else in order to execute administrative tasks related to licensing. If not, check in "I don't want this feature".

If required, be sure that the "Allow License Server access through local firewall" option is checked. This is important to grant access to the client computers to the license server.

The install starts.

After the install is complete, try to start the application.

If application doesn't start, open the Solid Edge License Utility, and choose the option "I have a License Server name" and type in the license server name.

KB Article ID# PL8776645



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