Modify properties of multiple Solid Edge files in bulk using Design Manager




Is it possible to modify the properties of multiple Solid Edge files en masse or in bulk using Design Manager, and if so how?


There is currently no out-of-the-box way to en masse or bulk change properties of multiple Solid Edge files using Design Manager. However, by using a registry switch we can enable the legacy Property Manager functionality which will then allow for bulk editing of Solid Edge properties.

To enable the legacy Property Manager, create or change the following registry switch DWORD32 value to "1":

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 22x\DEBUG\SHOW_PROPMGR_CMD_IN_DESMGR

This will then enable Property Manager within Design Manager > Application Button > Property Manager:

With Property Manager enabled within Design Manager the user should then be able to select Solid Edge files within a folder and en masse or bulk edit the properties:

NOTE:  This is enabling legacy command functionality.  As such, this is unsupported.

KB Article ID# PL8776346



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