For example, when selecting objects and getting information in NX graphics window, features and other objects take priority, making it difficult to get face information. It’s possible to select faces from the quick picklist, but is there any way to quickly select faces?
Reproduced Steps:
1. Preparing NX data containing a component, a solid body
2. Move the mouse cursor over the model > Display Quick Pick list dialog
You can set the selection priority using Menu > Edit > Selection.
In addition, you can use the shortcut keys below to quickly operate.
e.g, You can quickly get the information by using Shift + G > Select object > Ctrl + I.
Shift + F : Feature
Shift + G : Face
Shift + B : Body
Shirt + E : Edge
Shift + C : Component
NotesDocumentation: Selection Priority
**Please refer to PL8773617 for Japanese article.