How to change unit for density in Mass Properties Panel?




Want to change the unit for density in advanced assemblies Mass Properties Panel from the NX metric part standard kg/mm^3 to SI - unit kg/m^3.

Have found two occurrences of density unit in NX customer defaults
- Gateway -> Materials/Mass, Attribute Units tab, Density Unit (default value kg/mm^3)
- Modeling -> General, General tab, Geometry Construction group, Density Unit (default value kg/m^3)
But none of these two seem to have any influence on density unit displayed in Mass Properties Panel.

How to modify density unit in Mass Properties Panel?

  • na windows-1064
Release Versions
  • NX V2212
  • NX V2306
  • NX V2312
  • NX V2206
  • NX V2007
  • NX V1980
  • NX V1953
  • NX V1926
  • NX V1899

Mass Properties Panel, part of advanced assemblies weight measure functionality, get it's presented units from settings in Units Manager (Menu -> Tools -> Units Manager).

Two values in Units Manager can influence Mass Properties Panel, Density Units, among other things, "Preferred Data entry Units" and "Object Information Units"

If the objective is to only change units used in the Mass Properties Panel, only change "Object Information Units" to [ Metric - kg/m/N/rad/K (SI) ].
Let "Preferred Data entry Units" remain at [ Metric - kg/mm/N/deg/C ] as it affects unit of all inputs you do in NX, like for instance features/expressions.

Please note that not only the density unit of Mass Properties Panel is affected, but all units that are subject to the change. And the change will also occur in for instance units stated in Information window in NX.

Settings made in Units Manager is part specific, so a change you want to make need to be done in all existing part file.
When it comes to new part files, you can make the change to your template part files and then, when you create a new part out of those templates, you get the new Units Manager setting.


KB Article ID# PL8770243



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