Create a Detail View in 2D model




How to create a detail view of 2D geometry imported to Draft.

  • na windows-1064
Release Versions
  • Solid Edge V224.0

1. Open the DWG file into a new Draft file.

2. Save the file.

3. Select ALL of the 2D geometry and click Cut (or Ctrl-X).

4. Go to the View tab and click on the 2D Model sheet button.

5. Click on the 2D Model sheet tab, then click Paste or Ctrl-V.

6. Back on the Working Sheet, select the Sketching tab, then click on the 2D Model button.

7. The above will send you to the 2D Model sheet and ask you to fence an area to be included in the 2D Model view.

8. Then the command takes you back to the Working sheet to place the view. This view will behave similar to any other drawing view other than the fact it does not reference a 3D model, but rather, the area selected from the 2D Model sheet.

9. NOW you can use the Detail View command.


KB Article ID# PL8768283



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