The following demonstrates a simple case to create a solid body that was expected to be reported with zero density but was not.
1. Create a new "Blank" inch part.
2. Make block. 'Insert -> Design Feature -> Block -> Use dimensions of 4 x 4 x 4', in two locations
3. Used measure for both blocks and note that the default mass is: Density (Lb/Cu Inch) = 0.28290000000
4. 'Edit Solid Denstiy' on block that was created at absolut to Zero.
5. Measure density to verify density on both blocks. Block at absolut density is zero and the other block is set to default.
6. Open Check-Mate and select 'Report Solid Body without Density Setting', review Doc and run check.
The Check Mate test 'Report Solid Body without Density Setting' was developed back in the NX3 timeframe to identify old legacy NX solids that were created before a default density started being applied to all solid bodies. It has no viable use for current solid bodies which cannot exist without a density value, even if it's zero.