While update drawing sheet "Failed to connect to Excel events" error dispalyed
Refer to the below steps to fix this issue if the NX version is lower than NX1847. If the newer versions (NX 1847 and later) don't use the Excel add-in (UG.xla) anymore. If you are using one of these versions, close NX, browse to your NX install directory - there will be a subdirectory named "INSTALL", run the "register_splm_files.bat" file in there (you will need admin privileges). to fix this error.
-Start Excel
- File/Options/Add-ins
- Check if « ug » exist and point on …NX\UGII\ug.xla
- If this line exist and the connection between NX and Excel does not work
- Click on Manage “Excel Add-ins” GO.
- Check OFF “ug” to inactive Application.
- Restart Excel
- Check File/Options/Add-ins
- The “Ug” line must not be present.
- Close Excel Session
- Start NX
- Call Excel from NX ( by example use identify result/ list selection in Spreadsheet)
- Excel start and is populated by the NX results
- Excel options\Add-ins get the “ug” line back with the right connection.