The message "No object where one was expected." is output and the drawing cannot be opened.




When opening a drawing with "Structure Only'', if "Manual Rectangle'' is used as the boundary of a detail view in the drawing, an error "No object where one was expected.'' occurs and the drawing is unable to open.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Prepare a model part and a drawing that references it

2. Create a base view and a detail view in drafting

3. After creating the detail view, change a view boundary to Rectangle(select the view boundary > mouse right click > Boundary > Manual Rectangle)

4. Create a note in the base view(select a view to create with "Annotation View/Select View" and select a face with “Specify Location”)

4. Save the part and close it

5 open the drawing part(specify “Structure Only” as “Load Option”)


This behavior is due to NX problem and has been fixed in NX 2312 Series.


This problem occurs only when the "Note" is created in a view selected by specifying "Annotation View" and is created on a face by "Specify Location".

The same phenomenon also occurs with "Feature Control Frame" and other commands in the "Annotation" group.

This problem occurs with part files created with NX 2206 or lower Series, but does not occur with part files created with NX 2212 and NX 2306.

For NX 2212 and NX 2306 Series, the same problem occurs when trying to open a part file created in NX 2206 Series or lower, but does not occur with a newly created part file.

Behavior in part loading for each NX Series:

**Please refer to PL8764077 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V11.0.2
  • NX - DRAFTING V11.0.2
  • Windows x64 10
  • Windows x64 11

KB Article ID# PL8764080



Associated Components