The customer has a Mechanical Design license and wants to use the SEEC Diagnostic Tool to set Debug tools in order to investigate issues they are having with Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge.
If they were to use a license that contains the feature "seembeddedclient" they would have no problem:
However, in this instance they are using the Mechanical Design Bundle, and when they start the Diagnostics tool they get the error message:
At the same time they are still able to connect to Teamcenter from Solid Edge, so there seems to be an issue with the SEEC Diagnostics tool and the feature for Mechanical Design (which is called "seclassicplus").
SolutionThe feature seclassicplus should contain the feature seembeddedclient, and therefore be able to run the SEEC Diagnostics tool.
Solid Edge 2024 can start the SEEC Diagnostics tool without a problem, but currently this is not possible in Solid Edge 2023 UPD9.
We this hope this will be solved with Solid Edge UPD11.