How to create boundaries from a high number of curves ?
SolutionUse an automation script to help creating boundaries from selected curves in an Area Mill or Fixed Contour Boundary operation.
NotesThis script creates boundaries from selected curves in a selected “AREA MILL” or “FIXED CONTOUR / Boundary Drive Method” operation.
You can place the script file anywhere on your machine.
For easy location and execution, you can place the file inside the following folder in your NX installation:
…\NXPARTS\Reuse Library\Journal File Example Library
1. 'Menu->Tools->Automation->Journal->Play'
· The script works in a continuous loop over a sequence of menus prompts:
(This menu is for closed boundaries only)
· The first menus are for entering boundary configuration.
· The last is for selecting the curves.
· To exit the loop you can hit “Cancel” in any menu or “OK” with no curves selected in the last one.