Is there method to convert a Solid Edge Part from metric units to inches?




Received a metric part file and would like to convert it to inches.


There is no single switch to do this, but the following may help for a part:

1. First, find out what dimension style the file is using for the features. For example, edit a profile and click on a dimension.  

Figure 1: In this example, the dimension style is "ISO".

2. Go to 'Style->Dimension->ISO', and select Modify. Change the name to one more suitable. Then go to the tabs, such as 'Units'. Change mm to inches. Change the delimiter to 'Period'. There might be others to match your standard. Click OK and Apply.

3. Check that all the dimension for features show the new dimension style. If you click on a dimension, the value field still displays "mm".

4. 'Info->File Units'. Change to IPS (inch, pound, second).

Figure 2: Option to switch to IPS (inch, pound, second)

5. Check that you can click on a dimension to verify that you can enter the values per standard.

KB Article ID# PL8760428



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