NC Sub Program - Patterns - Post Configurator




How to get the correct output for NX Subprograms using Patterns and Post Configurator. 


The "Pattern Feature" must exist to use get the output for the subprograms.

Go to the Manufacturing Application and Customize "Process Feature" onto the "PROGRAM" dialog box by  doing the following...        "MB3" on "PROGRAM" -- "Object" -- "Customize" and "Add to Dialog "-"Process Patterning: 87200".

Edit "PROGRAM" and select the "Process Pattern" to recognize the "Pattern Feature" from "PROGRAM" group. Be sure to expand the "Output" group and select both "Pattern MCS Locations" and "Output Subroutines".

An operation was created. MB3 on the operation and select "Tool Path" - "Display Pattern".

In the image below, the tool path pattern is displayed. Please note there is only one operation in the PROGRAM group.

The "Post Configurator" post must handle "Subprogram Output". In the sample postprocessor, in the "Find" group, input "Subprogram Output".

The image below displays the "Process Feature" that must exist in the "Part Navigator".

Turn On "Subprogram Output Supported".

Sample output is attached below...3 files were created.

The Main Program calls up the subroutine that positions the 1st pattern location..

process_pattern_sample.ptp (48 Bytes)

O9001.prg  (Positioning over each pattern)

O9001.prg (875 Bytes)

O9002.prg (The toolpath to cut the pattern)

O9002.prg (24.7 KB)

Sample part file can be downloaded and reviewed..

process_pattern_sample.prt (524 KB)

Sample postprocessor... (999 KB)

KB Article ID# PL8759228



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