When exporting to PDF from Technical Data Package, text characters embedded in PMI Custom Symbol appears in unintended location.




Some custom symbols have embedded strings registered. When inserting this symbol as Appended Text in a PMI dimension and output it with Technical Data Package, when opening it in a PDF reader (such as Acrobat Reader), only the string appears in an unintended place.

Reproduced Steps:

1. create/register a Custom Symbol. At that time, enter the string in NX font (e.g. kanji)

*** For details on Custom Symbols, please see a link "Technical documentation on creating/defining Custom Symbol:" in NOTES.

2. Specify and insert the Custom Symbol created as Appended Text using PMI dimension

3. Menu > Export > Publish Technical Data Package

4. Open the exported PDF in a reader( such as Acrobat Reader)


This behavior was NX problem and is fixed in NX 2406 Series

Workaround : For character strings registered and used in Custom Symbol, avoid NX fonts and use Windows Standard Fonts.


This behavior only occurs when the embedded string is NX font. (Note that there is no problem if it is inserted horizontally in the X direction of the screen coordinate system(Cyan part indicated in Reproduced Step. 4), but it occurs in other cases.)

Technical documentation on creating/defining Custom Symbol:


***Please refer to PL8756222 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2206.8100
  • NX - TECH_DATA_PKG V2206.8100
  • Windows x64 10
  • Windows x64 11

KB Article ID# PL8756223



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