Unable to create Radial dimension




When opening a drawing using "Structure Only" as the load option and try to enter a radius dimension, an alert message saying "Exact Curve could not be created" comes up.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Open a new part and prepare a solid that can enter radius dimensions such as cylinders > Save

2. Add the component part created in "1." to the new parent assembly

3. Open a new drawing sheet, create a model view, save and close the part

4. Open the assembly created in step 2. At that time, use "Structure Only" as the "Load" option.

5. When entering radial dimension, use "Radial" as the measurement method and select arc.


This behavior is due to a design limitation in entering radial dimension and is working as designed in NX.

Workaround : Use a load option other than "structure only" (e.g., "All components").

In case of using with "Structure Only", use "Diametral" instead of "Radial" as the measurement method.


The difference in behavior between "Radial" and "Diametral" is due to different algorithms for obtaining dimension values. A lot of enhancements have been made so far when handling lightweight representations and the functionality was limited when using the "Radial" in NX 1847 Series.

***Please refer to PL8756013 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2212.5000
  • NX - DRAFTING V2212.5000
  • Windows x64 10
  • Windows x64 11

KB Article ID# PL8756014



Associated Components